Friday, April 13, 2007

Million Euro Solution

The colossal project for which I currently work for in Kobenhavn encompasses several platforms for which certain milestones and payments are due. The system on the platform for which my team and I are working on, is up and running well, and is considered the model for the other platforms. Yet, for some reason, the other platforms have not had their full system working properly for now two months, thus blocking any kind of payment. Numerous experts and other competent people have attempted to fix this problem. Noticed how I used the word attempted? That's because so far no one has succeeded to solve this enigmatic problem that is causing so many headaches, stress, and sleepless nights to so many managers.

Like any good superhero in the movies, I took upon myself the challenge to do the impossible and find the million euro solution. After several days of analyzing and investigating, and learning upon other people's trials and errors, my colleagues and I finally found the million euro solution to the little bug that's been bugging everyone. After having two absolutely gorgeous Danish women smile at me this week in Kobenhavn, I knew something special would happen, especially on Friday the 13th! I can tell you one thing, the blood pressure of alot people finally dropped! Yes Thomas Edison! You are absolutely right! We should never be discouraged, for every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward to finding solutions for today's and tomorrow's problems!

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