Friday, June 8, 2007

Follow the Current

In France, the laws are rather strict when it comes to firing or laying off people. As a matter of fact, it is quite a hassle to let go of personel. So much, that there are so many consulting/service companies that exist to provide the necessary and competent work force in a timely manner to other companies. For those that work in these so called consulting companies, going from one mission to another, one client to another, is always a surprise. Some good. Some bad.

Changing regularly from client to client allows some of us to see different projects, people, environment, and technologies. It is rather intriguing at first. However, with time, some prefer to look for something more stable and fix, and not worry about what the next mission will be, or which client he or she will end up with.

When I started working for my current client several months ago, other consultants had arrived in my team before myself, and were quite interested in being hired by the client. Naturally, they worked and invested alot of their time to please the client. As for myself, like Jack Johnson says, "what will be, will be, and so it goes". I really have a don't care attitude, but I do my job professionally regardless, and everybody seems quite content.

Content may be a modest adjective, for they have asked me today if I wanted to join the company. Strangely enough, the people who have been showing off and doing everything to please the client have not had any official proposition. In the end, it is the very discreet, don't care person that has this opportunity. I suppose sometimes we should not try too hard to impress others, and just be our best naturally, and just let things be.

Hmmm .... according to the person responsible of the department (2 levels above my project manager), there are 3 reasons why they wish to hire me:
1 - I have good rational and communication skills?
2 - I have the necessary skills for the new generation of projects to come.
3 - I am very mobile.

My name keeps coming up in the list of consultants to be hired, and it seems everyone agrees about appreciating me. OK that is nice to hear this. Well of course they appreciate the fact that I dont complain like your typical French person!

In joining this company, I will be able to work on many international projects, thus travelling and discovering many new cultures and countries. In addition, I would have more vacation holidays, more bonuses, and a higher salary. Sounds nice huh?

So my answer? Let me think about it ...

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