Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Out of the Ordinary

Browsing through the net over a year ago, I read some really great articles about how an entrepeneur from Canada created an organization in Cambodia to help those that are disadvantaged and otherwise rejected by society. I was quite intrigued and fascinated by the actions accomplished by this person and the organization he was able to create, though many said it would never come to be and that it was truly impossible. Just because people say it is not possible, should that stop us from trying? Of course not.

I visited this organization's web site and was even more impressed by the social impact accomplished by them. So I thought to myself, wouldn't it be more meaningful to use my IT skills to help people who would truly benefit? In my quest as an idealist and philanthropist, I sent out my best resume and best cover letter I have ever written to the CEO. Lo and behold, the CEO contacted me shortly after I had sent my email. We exchanged many emails, and he even introduced me to many of his contacts and colleagues. Unfortunately, after a couple of months, my endeavor to join this organization came to a stall.

During that same time, I now remember that I had gone to Boston and visited the campus of MIT and Harvard, which are respectively the schools of the CEO. In addition, I had bought a book with regards to the flattening of the world. This book discussed the global economy of today's world. A rather thick book it is, that it took me several months to finish it. When I did get to the end, it even talked about the organization I had contacted several months before. Just a coincidence of course, but that was a year ago.

Just a couple of months ago, I again was searching through the net, and saw an opening at this very same organization. The job opening was for project management, requiring the IT skills that I have acquired throughout my career. What is interesting about the job posting, is that it was posted on a site called idealist.org, on the day of my birthday. People always say that I am an idealist and that I am so picky. Coincidence obviously.

So again, in my quest to also fulfill a childhood dream of helping my country of origin, I contacted the CEO of this company. To be honest, I thought I was just throwing another message in a bottle into the deep blue sea. The CEO quickly replied and had his colleague contact me for a possible job interview by phone. Ring, ring, I got the phone interview. I was a bit nervous at first, but all in all, everything went rather well, and lead to another phone interview. But this time, with the CEO himself!

In my first interview, I was caught by surprised, for I thought the person who would be calling would be a man, for I did not know the gender of the first name. In the second interview, I was also surprised, for the CEO initially spoke to me in French! I knew he was from Canada, but not Montreal. Interesting. So we spoke about the possibilities, responsibilities, and the details. Things appear to be a good match, at this point in time ... The CEO talked about his background, and how his family survived the Holocaust. In fact, it seems that our family share some of the same historical events and tragedies, but during different periods in history.

My friend always said to me to do something out of the ordinary. Guess what? I'm going to take a leap of faith and actually do something out of the ordinary! Tip originally means miracle in Cambodian. By no means do I think I will be able to perform miracles or save the world, but at least some of us are trying to make a difference in this world.


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