This reminds me of last year when I had returned from Cambodia via Singapore. I had to transit at Singapore, and retrieve my boarding pass for my final destination. In order to retrieve my boarding pass, I had to take a number and wait to be called. Patiently sitting and waiting for my number to be called for over 2 hours, I see on the TV screen that my flight is boarding! I was running out of time! So I rushed to the counter in front of everyone to announce that I had to get on my plane and board. Immediately, I got my boarding pass and rode a golf cart with an Indian employee from Air Singapore. The man zigzagged the golf cart like Ralph Schumacher throughout the airport for over 1 km, while honking and screaming at everybody to get out of the way! "Hello!" "People!" "Excuse me!"
When I had first arrived to Cambodia, a cousin of mine had just passed away on the very same day. For those that believe in superstition, absolutely not a good omen for the rest of my vacation. So it was only fitting that my trip would end on a stressful note as well. My last trip to Cambodia is by all means one to forget. Although difficult at times, I have learned my lessons now, and so has the Airport of Singapore. It now seems that people are given their boarding pass right away upon transit. Upon my next trip to Copenhagen, I'll be sitting right next to the boarding gate ...
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