I remember visiting Brazil not long ago. Leaving the airport of Sao Paulo, everything was green and a jungle. I'd see the local police upon my arrival, but they looked more equipped than your local reserve guards or militia. Many of the apartment buildings were surrounded by walls that looked like prisons. Yet inside, people never lock their cars ... The people there were quite warm and friendly, despite the high crime rate. Everywhere you went and met someone, you'd see someone giving you a thumb up. I was like, me number one? But really, it was their way of greeting you and saying hi. Eating at a grill restaurant was even more interesting. The waiters would bring an entire piece of meat for you. Every 5 minutes, they would bring another meat before you could even finish. Sometimes, even an entire roasted animal! In America, we often talk about the melting pot. I can tell you one thing, Brazil is also definitely one big melting pot. Many of the married couples there are interracial marriages between the local Indians, Europeans, Africans, and Asians.
Hong Kong was interesting as well. Based on all the movies I have watched, I always envisioned Hong Kong as a city full of skyscrapers. Upon my arrival, what I saw were beautiful green mountains. The transportation is quite efficient, and simple since there aren't too many stations. The must see sight is Victoria Peak. It is not bad, but the most beautiful view is from one of those tall skyscrapers. The view from one of those buildings is simply and absolutely breathtaking. There's so much to say about Hong Kong, the nightlife, the food, the people ... once in a while you run into some celebrities. Supposedly, I once was eating desert next to some famous DJ, and ran into some TV host at a local restaurant. Cool huh? What impresses me the most about Hong Kong, is not so much the touristic aspect, but the cultural or camaraderie among friends. My friend there had a network of friends everywhere. We had someone to tour us in Shenzhen, and another person who specifically took the time to show us Macau! Wow, I felt quite special la. And in Hong Kong, friends are always fighting to pay over the bills, even when they’re broke or unemployed! Absolutely unbelievable.
Cambodia is different though since I had no expectations at all. When visiting a developing country, it is better to not have any, and just appreciate and enjoy each moment as they come. If anything, travelling to a developing country is an experience no book can teach you. One thing that really shocked me in Cambodia, is the camaraderie among men. I mean, men would hold hands or put their hands on your lap! If those things were to happen in the west, I’m sure I’d be running as fast as I can! You say crazy right? If we recall ancient history, it was very common for Greek men to be intimate then.
Ah, the joy of travelling and discovering other cultures.
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