Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Things That Make You Go Hmm

Is it not strange, that certain events that take place in life, all seem to happen at once? For instance, when things go bad, everything seem to go bad like a domino effect. On the other hand, when things go rather well, everything seems to be going so smoothly. Oddly enough, after 8 years of searching for a new employment, I now have oodles of choices for my next potential job. Go figure, but all these opportunities just seem to all pop up at the very same time. Hmm ...

The question is now, which job should I persue among the 3 choices I have:
1 - Stable job in a big company that will allow me to work and travel around the world.
2 - High paying job in the land of the dreams.
3 - Fullfilling and benevolant job that will enable me to utilize my skills for the better good of mankind.

This is one of those things that make me go hmm right now. Questions, questions, I have some questions ... I want to know ... Certainly, I am going to carefully think it over. Perhaps after my skydiving experience I will see the light!

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